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Leading Curriculum Change in Pursuit of Equity

Leadership for Literacy

Session Description

How can leaders embrace curricular change as a process, rather than as one event? What key actions can leaders take throughout the process? And how can leaders maintain a clear focus on the north star of ensuring student outcomes are no longer predictable by race? In this session, leaders will seek to answer these questions through a framework for implementing a new literacy curriculum with the goal of greater equity in student outcomes.

<ul class="font_8">
  <li><p class="font_8">Sarah Woodard, National Director for Educational Partnerships, Humanities, Great Minds</p></li>
  <li><p class="font_8">Heidi Foley, Implementation Leader, Great Minds</p></li>
<ul class="font_8">
  <li><p class="font_8">Sarah Woodard, National Director for Educational Partnerships, Humanities, Great Minds</p></li>
  <li><p class="font_8">Heidi Foley, Implementation Leader, Great Minds</p></li>
Leading Curriculum Change in Pursuit of Equity


Sarah Woodard
National Director for Educational Partnerships, Humanities
Great Minds

Sarah Woodard is the National Director for Educational Partnerships, Humanities at Great Minds. She was a classroom teacher for many years prior to joining the organization to help develop knowledge-rich instructional materials. For Sarah, helping educators realize their vision and goals for their students to reach higher levels of academic achievement is the most important and rewarding part of the job.

Heidi Foley
Implementation Leader
Great Minds

Heidi served as an elementary teacher for 20 years in California, and as a literacy coach for nine years in New Mexico, Washington DC and Baltimore, focusing on the implementation of comprehensive foundational skills instruction and the implementation of HQIM. For the last three years, Heidi has been an Implementation Leader for Great Minds. In this role, she supports teachers, school leaders and district leaders in ensuring equitable instruction for all students through implementation of knowledge building curriculum.

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