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Honoring Community Leadership: Accelerating and Sustaining Change

Partnering for Impact, Leadership for Literacy

Session Description

To accelerate and sustain literacy progress, leaders must cultivate a collective vision rooted in the hopes, dreams, and wisdom of the communities we serve. We all want to improve literacy outcomes, but scarcity mindsets and deficit discourse can cause leaders to adopt top-down and technocratic management approaches. We can create more equitable systems and sustain hard-earned progress by building authentic partnerships and investing in community leadership.

In this workshop, we will explore critical frameworks to disrupt patterns that undermine progress and subvert liberatory relationships. We will also examine case studies that highlight transformative practices for community leadership and partnerships. Lastly, we will brainstorm personal and organizational next steps to build, strengthen, and actualize a collectively-held vision for literacy in our schools and organizations.

<ul class="font_8">
  <li><p class="font_8">Michael De Sousa, Founder, Roda Leadership Development</p></li>
<ul class="font_8">
  <li><p class="font_8">Michael De Sousa, Founder, Roda Leadership Development</p></li>
Honoring Community Leadership: Accelerating and Sustaining Change


Michael De Sousa
Roda Leadership Development

Michael De Sousa is the son of Azorean immigrants, Gisela Paz and Jose Antonio. He was the first in his family to attend and graduate college. Since then, Michael has remained committed to building equitable schools and communities. Michael has spent the past 22 years as a teacher (7 years), school leader (10 years), leadership coach, community organizer, executive leader, and researcher. Michael loves music, cooking, and hiking with his wife and three children in the Oakland hills.

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